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Rodrigo Morais

Rodrigo Morais

Rodrigo is a Portuguese lawyer registered at the Portuguese Bar Association. He holds a Master (LL.M) in International Sports Law at ISDE Barcelona and obtained his law degree in Portugal at the renowned Universidade de Lisboa.

Rodrigo acts mainly for international clients, with special focus on arbitration before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and dispute resolution before the bodies of FIFA and National Federations in a wide range of matters, also advising in disciplinary proceedings involving issues such as anti-doping or eligibility.

In the recent years, Rodrigo has been providing legal consultancy in some of the most important transfers within the football market, in the negotiation and drafting of agreements in the interest of players, agents, clubs and federations.

Visiting professor at the European Law Students’ Association of Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, CBF Academy, Sports Law Institute and other international academic courses, Rodrigo is an author of many legal articles published in several countries and languages around the world.

Rodrigo is a proud pro-bono Board Member of “Karanba”, a social sport project that since 2006 offers to children and youngsters, mainly coming from disadvantaged areas of the Rio de Janeiro region, the chance to achieve their dreams and goals in life through sports and education.


Sports Law

International Arbitration

International Consultancy


Master (LL.M) in International Sports Law by Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economia – ISDE, in Barcelona, Spain.

Graduated in Law by the Universidade de Lisboa, in Portugal.

Erasmus in Law in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain)

Professional Activities

Registered in the Portuguese Bar Association

Arbitrator, Panelist and Team Coach – Sports Arbitration Moot 2023


Portuguese, English, Spanish and French

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