Pedro Heitor is a law student at PUC-RJ. He works in the areas of Sportainment, Cryptolaw and innovation at Bichara e Motta Advogados since 2022. Pedro is an enthusiast of the Web 3.0 market since 2019 and founder of the crypto assets community Canal Valor Investidor, in addition he is an author of articles in the Web 3.0 sphere


Sportainment, Cryptolaw and innovation

Gambling Law


Law Student – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ)

Cryptocurrencies and offshore investments – Charles Wicz 

Valuation and asset pricing – Suno Ressearch 

Native Crypto Trail – Mercurius Crypto

Expert Crypto Trail – Mercurius Crypto

Bitcoin Masters – Augusto Backes 


Portuguese and English

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